
Councilors want Budget, Marcelo insists on understanding, but Pedro Nuno and Ventura maintain positions

Irreducible, until you see. Sitting among the regime’s senators for four and a half hours, around the table of the Council of State chaired by the President of the Republic, the three men on whom the feasibility of the Budget for 2025 depends entered as they left: with the same positions made public throughout last week, Expresso found. Not even Prime Minister Luís Montenegro revealed what the “irrefutable” proposal which he will present to the PS this Thursday; not even Pedro Nuno Santos left the red lines speech IRS Jovem and IRC; Nor did André Ventura say that Chega would lend a hand to the Government if the Social Democrats continued to negotiate with the Socialists.

Before the meeting, the President of the Republic tried to relieve pressure, saying that today’s councilors’ meeting would not be to discuss the negotiation of the State Budget (OE). “It has nothing directly to do with it”, said Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, in Seixal, in the early afternoon, on the side of the street.inauguration of the Memory Space – CGTP-IN Archive, Documentation and Audiovisual Center.

Marcelo recalled that he had announced this meeting before the summer and that the idea is to “analyze the political, global, European and Portuguese economic situation” to “reflect on the situation in the world”. statement In the end, there is the sentence that says nothing else: “The State Council analyzed the international and national situation.”

The analysis, however, helped several advisors to appeal for national understandings in a scenario of increasing international instability. The interventions followed one another, with more or less internal arrivals. And, at the end of the meeting, despite what he had said before, the President ended up making a speech calling for understanding, which implies concessions on both sides, especially because he made a point of highlighting the obvious that was blaring a couple of days ago, when he said that the AD Government is a “minority” and that the PS “is not a Government”.

If a few days ago the President was “hooked” that the State Budget, you will not have left the meeting with better perspectives. Marcelo does not want to be the first Head of State to dissolve Parliament three times, when he had already been the first to do so following the unprecedented lead of a Budget, in 2021. But with the data released this Tuesday about his table has no elements to swear that everything will go as you wish.

Without former President António Ramalho Eanes present, the meeting began at 5:10 pm and, due to its duration (the statement was released after 9:30 pm), the interventions were long in a group of advisors who were mostly right-wing and in which Pedro Nuno Santos and Carlos César are the only publicly left-wing names.

Luís Montenegro did not give up. At the time set for the beginning of the State Council meeting, it was announced that a new meeting between the prime minister and the secretary general of the PS was scheduled for next Thursday in the late afternoon. In front of the advisors, Montenegro did not anticipate the counter-proposal he promised on Friday, after the meeting in which the PS leader handed him his requirementsand which he should hand over to Pedro Nuno on Thursday.
For his part, the secretary general of the PS, according to reports made to Expresso, made a speech with a similar content to his press conference last Friday, in which he clearly emphasized that the Democratic Alliance could only count on the abstention of the socialist bench if it dropped those two emblematic measures for the Government. Pedro Nuno emphasized what he has said publicly: “If the Government limited itself to negotiating exclusively with the PS, then the Government has an obligation to yield to the PS on matters that are fundamental to the PS.” And he left the image that he doesn’t bend. “Either he has a clear victory to present outside, or the Budget does not pass”was the impression that the opposition leader left on the State councilors.
André Ventura, in his second participation in the consultative body of the President of the Republic, will have made a short intervention. After having heard Marcelo lament in public that if the Moderates lack empathyand having said that, without understanding at the center, the “third party” became the “key”, the Chega leader once again emphasized the same position, but on the contrary: the “third party” only allows negotiation if the Government abandon negotiations with the second. In the meeting on September 11th with the Government, Chega’s parliamentary leader had left this demand: Chega will only negotiate if the Government stops talking to the PS. But, on that day, Montenegro responded that he would not stop trying “with everyone” to find a way to make the OE viable.

Photo Ana Baião

Cavaco Silva, who has made successive public interventions, including saying that it would not hurt the world to govern in twelfths, focused not on the Budget but on economic issues, with the underlying idea that the Government needs time to resolve them.

The Presidency of the Republic issued the traditional and dry statement, which in addition to saying that the State Council “analyzed the international and national situation”, expresses solidarity with the victims of the September fires. The State Council “formulated a vote of deep sorrow for the tragic fires that occurred in our countryespecially in the Central and Northern regions”, recalling “respectfully the fatal victims and their families, as well as expressing solidarity with the affected populations and all those who fought the fires”.

Once this Council of State that Marcelo wanted to be more “international” has closed, there will be another, with no date set yet, but already announced, towards the end of the month. After the OE has been delivered to Parliament and the President has received all parties. In other words, with a closer perspective on whether or not the Budget will be approved.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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