
“Black and sad day”: in less than 24 hours, six people die in Spain in three crimes of domestic violence

Spain recorded three alleged cases of domestic violence in less than 24 hours, in which Six people died, including four women and two childrenwith the number of women murdered by former or current partners since the beginning of the year rising to 19.

According to information from the EFE agency, a woman was found dead along with her two children in Cuenca, in the center of the country, a young woman and her mother were killed in their home, in Granada, southern Spain, and a another woman was strangled by her partner in Málaga, near the Mediterranean.

If it is confirmed that these are cases of domestic violence, the number of women killed by former or current partners since the beginning of the year rises to 19, while children will be 15.

Only in one of these three cases was the victim in the Spanish VioGén protection system, for monitoring victims of gender-based violence, and the aggressor had a restraining order, which is not prevented the deadly attack, while in relation to the other two alleged attackers there were no previous complaints.

This Saturday, the Guardia Civil found the bodies of a woman and her two children, aged 5 and 7, in a house in Las Pedroñeras (Cuenca).

The woman and children were murdered by the woman’s ex-partner and father of the children, aged 44, who was arrested.

Sources close to the investigation told EFE that the woman was in the VioGén police system and had a restraining order against the attacker.

Around six o’clock this Saturday morning, a 34-year-old man allegedly killed his 20-year-old ex-partner and her mother, in the town of Zafarraya (Granada), after surprising them entering the house with a key and shooting them both with a shotgun, with which he committed suicide.

In this case, it was a friend who alerted the authorities, as she was talking on the phone with Laura, the murdered young woman, and heard what was happening, and called 112.

On Friday night, around 11pm, a 75-year-old man strangled his 76-year-old wife in Fuengirola (Málaga) and then tried to commit suicide. The man, who left a letter reporting the events before trying to kill himself using pills, is out of danger and has been arrested.

The Ministry of Equality announced, on Thursday, that it would convene the crisis committee next week to analyze the latest crimesafter the sexist nature of the murder of two women in April was confirmed, bringing the number of fatalities this year to 16.

This Saturday, the Minister of Equality, Ana Redondo García, denounced sexist violence in this “terrible day for Spanish society in general”.

Redondo GarcÃa stressed that this “black and sad day” is also a day to reflect and to put all mechanisms within reach to “eradicate this enormous problem”. And he highlighted the role of the “environment” in these cases, which in many cases is aware of the violence: “we need them to report it so we can make decisions and protect better before the homicide occurs”, he stated.

The second vice-president and Minister of Employment, Yolanda Díaz, stated that the “dramatic” numbers remind us that “there is still a lot of work to do”, while the Minister of Youth and Children, Sira Rego, said she was “horrified” by the “heartbreaking” cruelty of these events.

So far, in 2024, the Government Delegation against Gender Violence has confirmed the sexist nature in 16 homicides, a number that will rise to 19 if today’s last three crimes are confirmed.

Also in 2024, thirteen minors were murdered by their parents in crimes of domestic violence. Added to this are the two children found in Las Pedroñeras (Cuenca) with their mother.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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