
Attempted coup d’état underway in Bolivia: President denounces “irregular mobilization”

A group of armed forces and military police in Bolivia took control of the center of La Paz and attempted to enter the former government palace, according to reports. agencies international.

The action has already been condemned by the country’s leaders, including President Luis Arce, who denounced the “irregular mobilization†of some members of the army and said that “democracy must be respected†€, in a publication on the social network X (formerly Twitter). The country’s vice president, David Choquehuanca, also denounced “the attempted coup d’état against our democratically elected Government†.

Several Central American leaders have already repudiated the operations of the Bolivar forces, including the heads of state of Brazil, Cuba, Peru, Colombia, Uruguay, Honduras, among others. Pedro Sánchez, the Spanish prime minister, and Josep Borrell, head of European diplomacy, also demanded that the military respect the country’s democratic integrity.

Evo Morales, the historic socialist leader of Bolivia, also pointed the finger at the movements that “prepare the anticipation of a coup d’état†and asked “the people with a democratic vocation tactic to defend the homeland from some military groups that act against democracy.

As explained by The Guardian, the coup will be carried out by General Juan José Zúñiga, who was recently dismissed on Tuesday. To the local press, cited by Reuters, Zúñiga said that “the three heads of the Armed Forces went to express their dismay†and guaranteed that “there will be a new Government, things have to change†.

And he insisted, surrounded by soldiers, that the military action was supported by the population, despite the fact that there was still no popular support for the coup in the streets.

Videos of soldiers and snipers, with their faces covered, in the main streets of La Paz and breaking into the Palacio Quemado (government headquarters), are circulating on the social networks of journalists and local media outlets.

Images from the Bolivision channel are also being shared, in which President Luís Arce directly confronts those responsible for the coup at the door of the presidential palace. Arce will have ordered Zúñiga to withdraw his soldiers; The general told journalists that the country’s leadership will remain, “for now†, before entering the Government building.

[Notícia em atualização]


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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