
António Costa in the Council – a European and pro-European vision

In the weeks leading up to and following the campaign for the European elections, the possibility of António Costa becoming President of the European Council was a topic of recurring debate. The results of the elections in Portugal, with the victory of the Socialist Party, combined with the global result of the European socialists made it possible to strengthen these possibilities. But more important than fueling national party tactics – which has centered the discussion on goat wool issues – it is important to understand what impetus António Costa can give to the European project and what the role of the President of the Council is. European.

There is a well-known joke, usually attributed to Kissinger, about who you would call when you want to “talk to Europe†. Now, in a plurinational framework such as the European Union, in which the 27 States maintain their sovereignty and have the last word in the institutional balance of powers, the President of the European Council can have a very relevant role, not only in the external positioning of the EU, but also in the orientation of its internal policy. António Costa easily recognizes his ability to generate consensus, find solutions and dialogue with governments of different political colors. All these characteristics are fundamental to leading the negotiation processes that mark the European Councils and, in a scenario of increasing political fragmentation, it is imperative to have someone who understands the need for compromises and has the capital to achieve them.

If we are more ambitious in this analysis, and seek to identify the main challenges that the European Union has in hand, we can see that the EU is currently faced with three main lines of action: firstly , security and defense, which would also include the geopolitical relevance of Europe in the current global context; secondly, its competitiveness vis-à-vis its main rivals, in particular China and the United States: and, finally, the enlargement and institutional reform of the Union itself, from an almost existential perspective. For all these questions, António Costa has been able to offer answers and a common strategy. Let’s see.

Since the day that marked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there has been no shortage of those who have tried to distort its position in relation to enlargement and the defense of strengthening security capabilities. European defense. António Costa responded to them that support for Ukraine should be unequivocal and that enlargement should be accompanied by a much-needed European institutional reform – this understanding would end up making its way and inevitably becoming an opinion. consensual among European leaders.

Also in the economic dimension of integration, fundamental to boosting our competitiveness, the former Prime Minister offered at the informal European Council in Granada, in 2023, a very clear answer: European integration it must follow a variable model, based on common, inclusive values, and which, taking advantage of an internal market and a Customs Union, is also flexible to the point of overcoming blocking issues.

But his leadership and political, economic and security vision have stood out in recent years in different difficult moments for the European Union. As Prime Minister of a country emerging from an excessive deficit procedure, he showed that it was possible to reconcile financial performance and correct accounts with the return of income. And when Europe found itself faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, it was decisive in finding the solutions and consensus necessary to combat it and the inflationary crisis that followed. He was a respected voice among his peers and able to offer the European project a sense of common guidance.

The confirmation of António Costa to preside over the European Council, at the summit on 27 and 28 June, is a decisive moment in responding to the challenges that the Union faces – construction (and the success!) of the European project largely depends on who can offer it vision, leadership and negotiation skills.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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