
Álvaro Covões (NOS Alive): “I laugh when people say that footballers are tired after two games. If they came to the world of music…”

Ãlvaro Covões, director of the show promoter Everything Is New and responsible for the NOS Alive festival, is this week’s guest on Posto Emissor, a BLITZ podcast.

In conversation with Lia Pereira, the live music entrepreneur talks about the next edition of the festival he created 17 years ago, and which Pearl Jam has one of its main assetsbut also about the evolution of the live music sector.

“I laugh when football clubs say that they had two games this week and the players are tired. If they came into the world of music… It’s not just two, there’s five or six in a week,’ he highlights, referring to the musicians’ ‘road life’. “We, when we travel, always say: ‘I am tired because I travelled’. Now imagine an artist who does a show today in Lisbon, sleeps at night on the bus on the way to Madrid and the next day starts all over again,” he highlights.

To listen from 7 minutes and 46 seconds onwards:


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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