
30 years of dance by João Fiadeiro: from punk to deauthorization

“Nada makes sense if it is not a shared affection.†The phrase, said by João Fiadeiro to Expresso, summarizes the journey through his more than 30 years of career as a choreographer, which until September will be presented in an exhibition retrospective, which he called “Introspective†, and a set of pieces from the cycle “Dar Corpo†, to be seen until July 6th. There are three solos, a duet turned trio and two group pieces, which were reappropriated and recreated by other performers, with the exception of the iconic solo “I Am Here†(2003), inspired in the universe of Helena Almeida, which is played by João Fiadeiro himself (July 5th and 6th).

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Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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