
Medieval fighting is back: MMA with swords and armor

This October 19, in the spectacular new bullring of Moralzarzal (in the mountains of Madrid), medieval combats will return to the Iberian Peninsula… for one night. And although it is true that it is not a new discipline (in Belmonte, for example, massive events are held every year), the spectacle that it proposes Koliseum Yes, it is something never seen before.

“It will be a unique experience. We will see completely real buhurt combats, not simulated. And there will also be a 100-piece symphony orchestra that will deliver an impressive acoustic experience. A lighting team, sound… there will also be interpretations, stand-up comedians, fire shows and we will end with a three-hour live concert,” Álvaro Fernández, the ideologist of this ‘madness’, tells MARCA.

It will be a unique experience. We will see completely real buhurt combats, not simulated

Álvaro Fernández, promoter of Koliseum

David and Guillo, members of Buhurt La Mancha, visited MARCA

Buhurt is a type of authentic medieval combat recognized as a contact sport. A kind of medieval MMA where the cage and gloves are exchanged for a sand surface and (dull) swords and real armor. The combatants accumulate more than 35 kilos on their bodies with equipment that costs more than 1,500 euros.

“He has been in Spain since 2014 but it is true that he is starting here… He is becoming more and more known. We want it to reach as many people as possible,” says David Díaz, one of the fighters.

It has been in Spain since 2014 but it is true that it is starting here… It is becoming more and more known

David Diaz

He has been practicing buhurt for a decade and is one of the oldest in Spain in a sport that became popular in Eastern Europe. “We have a past, a history that must be remembered. And luckily there are many people who are interested in this sport. With support we can go upwards,” he adds.

We have a past, a history that must be remembered. And luckily there are many people who are interested in this sport.

David Diaz

David and Guillo pose in MARCA.LUIS GABRIEL.

The buhurt is pure battle. Intensity, noise and shocks. A sport that seeks to recreate the medieval knight tournaments that took place between the 14th and 15th centuries. The modalities are varied: duel combat, scrum, one against one, ten against ten… but, as in MMA, it is not about simple brute force. Strategy is key.

They want recognition

Guillo Lara arrives at MARCA with David. Both belong toBuhurt La Mancha,a team of 17 people that trains separately and meets on weekends: “In the end it is amateur. We are autonomous, it is our job. I combine it with rugby because it is very good for arms and legs, in addition to cardio. Other colleagues combine it with martial arts. “We try to meet on the weekends to train.”

I combine it with rugby because it is very good for arms and legs, in addition to cardio. Other colleagues combine it with martial arts

David Diaz

But they are ambitious and hope for a glorious future for the sport that can be built through events like the Koliseum. “The goal is to try to make it considered a world-class sport. May it be recognized by federations… may it even be Olympic. I have hope, really,” says Guillo.

The objective is to try to make it considered a world-class sport. May it be recognized by federations… may it even be Olympic

Guillo Lara

Álvaro Fernández visited the MARCA editorial office to tell the secrets of Koliseum

Spain, nation of warriors

“It’s a sport, it’s not a performance,” they constantly insist. During their visit to MARCA they spent more than 30 minutes to get equipped, warm up and begin to show what they are capable of… to the astonishment of the entire editorial staff. The clash of swords echoed in a small demonstration of what they are capable of.

But… why launch Koliseum now? “We went to the Belmonte tournaments once and as soon as we saw it we fell in love. We wanted to enhance it. In Spain today he is not very famous but we want people to know him,” confesses Álvaro.

Spain is a nation of warriors, we have always had that blood. With fewer resources we are achieving more than other countries

David Diaz

The boom in contact sports also helps. And the Spanish gene: “Spain is a nation of warriors, we have always had that blood. With less resources we are achieving more than other countries that have more.”


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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