
A grandmaster expelled for alleged cheating in the Spanish Team Championship

Romanian grandmaster Kirill Shevchenko22 years old, 69th in the world charts, second board of Silla Iincluding Col.lectius de Valencia in it Spanish Team Championship of Honor Division that is played in Melilla, has been expelled from the tournament and the two games played for allegedly using a mobile phone hidden in the bathroom. The Competition Committee’s resolution annuls the results of the first and second round in which Shevchenko faced and won against the grandmasters Bassem Amin (Duo Beniajan Costa Cálida de Murcia) from Egypt and Francisco Vallejo (My Investor from Zaragoza) from Spain.

The Spanish Chess Federation (FEDA), in a statement on the matter, appreciates the collaboration of the Silla-Integrant Col.lectius “facilitating at all times the investigation and resolution of this unpleasant matter.” THE FEDA, in addition to applying the sanctions relevant, respecting at all times the right of defense and appeal by the Romanian chess player, will transfer the resolution to the Ethics Commission of the International Federation (FIDE).

Shevchenko, third from the left.Photo.FEDA

It must be remembered that the programs chess players play almost perfectly and it is strictly prohibited to have your mobile phone on during games. To such an extent that former world champion Ruslan Ponomariov lost one in 2003 European Championship, As soon as the rule came into effect, his phone inadvertently rang. Curiously, the person who called him was the president of the International Federation (FIDE) to congratulate him on his birthday…

Constant visits to the bathroom during the game with Vallejo

Francisco Vallejowith a track record that includes, among other important records, the Under-18 World Championship, Magistral Ciudad de León and 5 Spanish Absolute Championships, informed the main referee of the competition, Oscar from Prado, that during his game with Shevchenko he was absent continuously from the room for long periods of time. De Prado, faced with this claim, notified Shevchenko who told him that he had a problem doctor. The referee informed him that according to the tournament regulations he had to request permission since the male bathrooms (one common with 2 toilets and 3 urinals and another individual) are located outside the game setting.

Shevchenko continued to go constant to the bathroom without asking permission to the referee, which raised the suspicions of his behavior. “One of the members of the organization, Ismael Mohamed García, who was watching him on my orders, observed that he only used the bathroom individual. Mohamed García saw the player leave and just as he left, he entered the service, discovering a new mobile phone hidden under the toilet along with a note that read: ‘Don’t touch! The phone was left for the guest to answer at night!’, turned on and with a pin code that locked the screen,” says de Prado. He then took the measurement of lock the bathroom, ordering the player’s surveillance. Just at that moment, the cleaner who comments that the day before, at approximately the same time, he had found a mobile phone in that same bathroom and that he handed it in to the reception without anyone having claimed it until now.

After this, Prado says in his report, the surveillance continued and they observed that Shevchenko I kept going to that bathroom. Realizing that it was closed, and thinking that perhaps there was someone inside, wait a long time despite having the large one for common use free. When the assistant referee saw him waiting, and asked why he was there with a free serve, Shevchenko returned to the room without access to any bathroom. After finishing the match with Vallejo, the Romanian chess player tried to enter the individual toilet and, unable to do so, left him immediately without entering any other despite his medical problem.

Once the second round was over, the referee team verified that the player’s handwriting with which the scoresheets of the games are written down It coincided in spelling and ink with that of the note found next to the cell phone. Furthermore, the time that appeared on the phone indicated one hour more than the time in Spain, that is, it corresponded to that of Rumania.

After this, the organization team contacted Shevchenko and informed him of the facts before proceeding with the sanctions. “The player denied and when asked why he went to the aforementioned bathroom on three occasions without actually entering (it was still closed), it being a fact found by my deputy and the organization, he denied everything saying: “Yes, I have entered”.

Hours later, while the main referee was making the report, he received two complaints from the grandmaster José Carlos. Ibarrarepresenting Duobeniaján Costa Cálida, and Francisco Vallejoin which they recount their suspicions in view of the analysis of the games. Given these facts, the Competition Committee decided to consider lost the two items (article 12.8 which prohibits the use of mobile phones) and expel to the person involved in the competition.

For its part, the Valencian team has presented a complaint official believes that there is not enough evidence that indicate one hundred percent that the mobile phone belongs to Shevchenko, who, in view of what happened, after denying everything, has abandoned the tournament and has returned the fees received from the club for their participation.


Chair-My Investor. 2nd board.

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 Nxe4 4.De2 [Aquí Vallejo avisó al árbitro. Nada más retornar, su rival jugó sin pensar hasta el movimiento 16.Ad2]


4…De7 5.Dxe4 d6 6.d4 dxe5 7.dxe5 Cc6 8.Cc3 Dxe5 9.Dxe5+ Cxe5 10.Af4 Ad6 11.Ag3 h5 12.0–0–0 f6 13.Cb5 h4 14.Af4 Re7 15.Cxd6 cxd6 16.Ad2 Ag4 17.f3 Af5 18.Ab4 Thd8 19.Ae2 Tac8 20.c3 Rf7 [Vallejo empleó para este difícil movimiento 16 minutos] 21.Axd6 [Shevchenko jugó sin pensar esta captura de alfil]


21…Cc4 22.Af4 Te8 23.The1 g5 24.Axc4+ Txc4 25.Txe8 Rxe8 26.Ae3 a6 27.Td6 [Una jugada en principio de “maquina”, obligando a cambiar las torres en un final de alfiles de diferente color. Estos normalmente se tratan de evitar ya que suelen terminar en muchas ocasiones en tablas pese a tener un peón de ventaja]


27…Tc6 28.Txc6 bxc6 29.Rd2 h3 30.g4 Ae6 31.b3 Rd7 32.c4 Rd6 33.Rd3 f5 34.f4 fxg4 35.fxg5 Re5 36.Af2 Af5+ 37.Rc3 Ab1 38.a3 Rf5 39 .Rd4 Ac2 40.b4 Rxg5 41.Rc5 Ab3 42.Rxc6 Axc4 43.a4 Ab3 44.Rb6 Axa4 45.Rxa6 Ac2 46.b5 Ad3 47.Ra5 Ae4 48.Rb6 Ad3 49.Rc6 Rf5 50.b6 g3 51.Axg3 Ae4+ 52.Rc7 Re6 53.b7 Axb7 54.Rxb7, and Vallejo surrendered. (1–0).


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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