
Risto Mejide explodes against Ábalos after three years collaborating on ‘Todo es Mentira’

EThe former José Luis Ábalos is currently involved in the call ‘Koldo case’an investigation into alleged corruption related to health material contracts during the pandemic. This case involves Koldo García, his former advisor, who allegedly provided mask contracts to a company linked to the plot, called Management Solutions.

Recently, a report from the Civil Guard indicated that Ábalos was aware of these awards. Although Ábalos denies any involvement and has denounced a campaign to damage his reputation, The judge has asked Congress to confirm his status as a deputy, which could lead to the Supreme Court investigating him, given that he has no capacity.

This has made the former minister decide to distance himself from ‘Everything is a Lie’a space in which he has collaborated for 3 years and where he has gone dozens of times to defend his position. “Simply, Marta, thank you very much for all this time. Yesterday’s report is a very harsh report. I am going to continue fighting for my innocence, I am going to try to answer all the questions in court,” was the last thing he said on Risto Mejide’s program.

I think that’s where I have to respond right now. and where I can do it with guarantees, therefore, you are going to excuse me, and the rest of the media, but it is in this situation in which I would never have liked to see myself, but it is the one in which I find myself,” he stated last week .

Risto Mejide, very angry with José Luis Ábalos

This has made Risto decided to start the program this Monday, October 14, with a direct message to the former minister, accusing him of lying to them during these three years: “This is a warning to sailors. In these five and a half years the commitment has been with you, we It doesn’t matter what you vote for. You see a certain independence and we never put cronyism over information“he began by saying.

“This is important to remember today, after all the collaborations that José Luis Ábalos has made with this program. Personally, He was used to the fact that when information came out that contradicted what Ábalos had said,Well, he came to the program and showed his face. It was something I had praised a lot, but this time it was not like that. “We respect your decision, but any politician, former politician or anyone who goes through this program, we are not free from being questioned and told that we think you are doing it wrong,” he continued.

Yesterday afternoon I received a message from Ábalos. In this message there are four things: the first is a decision that was already announced on Friday, the second is an explanation, the third is a denial and the last is a commitment,” he said.

“We don’t whitewash anyone here. This is not going to stop us from doing our job. I feel bad if he has deceived us. I said it at the time: ‘Either he’s crazy or he’s right.’ To then put a video in which they review all the times in which Ábalos has contradicted himself.

Ábalos writes a message to Risto: “I continue to defend my innocence”

Shortly after, José Luis Ábalos sent a message to Risto Mejide to apologize for his absence and the presenter read its contents to his audience. “Thank you very much for all this time you have given me, allowing me to have a voice and the possibility of explaining myself. Now that my accusation is going to be requested, I must focus on it.“.

“I continue to defend my innocence. I don’t have a chalet, as is obvious, and I will also know how to defend myself before the Court if they decide. But right now I have every god against me and defending myself publicly irritates them even more,” Ábalos wrote.

Finally, the former minister made himself available to Risto Mejide: “I felt obliged to write to you and thank you for your esteem. You have me at your disposal. Hoping that everything remains a past nightmare, I send you a hug“.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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