
Between the trauma of a year ago and a government they contest, Israelis only see darkness at the end of the tunnel

Vivian Silver was elated. A 74-year-old Canadian, who arrived in Israel half a century ago, was one of the founders of Women Wage Peace, organization of Jews and Arabs who signed the mothers’ appeal to Israeli and Palestinian leaders to reach an agreement. Hand in hand with Reem Hajajreh, leader of sister Palestinian organization Women of the Sun.

On October 4, 2023, 1,500 women paraded in Jerusalem, shouting slogans for peace. Reem remembers these critical moments: “We were like prophets of peace warning that everything could explode quickly. Vivian and I carried signs that said ‘Stop the bloodshed’. With us, Palestinians and Israelis, there were women and ambassadors from all over the world”.

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Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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