
Government approves “total exemption” from Social Security contributions and employment support for companies affected by the fires

The Government approved an “exceptional and temporary” regime of exemption from social security contributions for companies affected by the fires, in accordance with the decree-law that defines the support, which also provides financial incentives for maintaining employment.

The decree-law that establishes support measures for populations affected by the September fires, published in the Diário da República at the end of Friday, explains that “the exceptional and temporary regime of exemption, total or partial, from the payment of contributions social security”, is not “cumulative with other extraordinary measures that ensure the same purpose”.

It provides for “total exemption from Social Security contributions, for a period of six months, extendable up to a maximum of the same period, upon assessment, for companies and self-employed workers whose activity has been directly affected by the fires”, as well as the “partial exemption of 50% of the contribution rate payable by the employer for a period of three years for companies that hire workers in a situation of unemployment directly caused by the fires”.

The diploma also determines extraordinary financial support for companies to maintain jobs, “for a period of three months, with the possibility of extension, subject to evaluation by the social security services”, and which is intended only for the payment of workers’ salaries, up to a maximum amount of two minimum wages, plus food and transport subsidies.

Financial support for self-employed workers

Financial support is also granted to self-employed workers, also for three months, which can be extended, as long as the activity has been directly affected by the fires.

The diploma also determines the reinforcement of access to health care for those affected by the fires, namely to health centers and consultations for internal medicine, pulmonology and mental health, a reinforcement of access also guaranteed to “professionals of security forces and services, firefighters , civil protection or other entities involved in fighting fires and providing assistance to the population.”

At Thursday’s Council of Ministers, the Government approved and presented a package of support measures for areas and populations affected by the large fires that hit the Center and North regions, including financing for the reconstruction of first homes, 100% reimbursed. in amounts of up to 150 thousand euros, and a support line for treasury and factory reconstruction.

It also approved direct support for farmers that can reach up to six thousand euros to compensate for agricultural losses.

It was also determined that an action plan for the forest must be completed by the end of the year, with the aim of “giving value” to the sector and preventing rural fires.

Nine people died and more than 170 were injured as a result of last week’s fires. The National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority officially counted five deaths in the fires.

Forest fires consumed, between the 15th and 20th of September, around 135,000 hectares, totaling the burned area in Portugal this year to almost 147,000 hectares, the third largest of the decade, according to the European Copernicus system.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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