
Now certified by the European Union, find out where to eat “Arroz de Sarrabulho de Ponte de Lima”

In a statement, the Ponte de Lima City Council considers certification as a Guaranteed Traditional Specialty (ETG) as the “first major step, at an international level, towards the affirmation of Arroz de Sarrabulho à Moda de Ponte de Lima as a Gastronomic and for the valorization of local products in the context of the local, regional and community tourist ecosystem, including their connection to the municipality’s green wines”. The municipality reacted in this way to the publication in the Official Journal of the European Union, this Tuesday, September 24th, of the registration of the recipe’s designation as Guaranteed Traditional Specialty. It also informs that the qualification process of “Arroz de Sarrabulho à Moda de Ponte de Lima” was coordinated by the respective Confraria Gastronomica, in close collaboration with the municipality and the Escola Superior Agrária of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo.

“This European recognition and the implementation of the resulting measures will allow us to preserve and perpetuate the traditional recipe of Arroz de Sarrabulho à Moda de Ponte de Lima, ex-líbris of Limiana gastronomy, offering the consumer the guarantee of its origin, genuineness and respect for the traditional production methods and practices of preparing this gastronomic dish, produced from raw materials or ingredients used traditionally”, states the same note from Ponte de Lima City Council.

Sarrabulho rice with rojões and sausages at Camelo restaurant

Old recipe and excellent products

It should be explained that rice is made with various types of meat, namely pork, beef and chicken, pig’s blood and various spices, and is accompanied by rojões, various sausages, from floured tripe to green chouriça, and includes liver, beauties and browned potatoes. Previously to Lusa, the coordinating professor of the areas of food and animal safety at the Escola Superior Agrária, Nuno Brito, explained that the recipe for “Arroz de Sarrabulho à Moda de Ponte de Lima” is very old, “made in the manor houses and farming in the 17th century, and which in the 19th century became part of the municipality’s restaurant menus”.

According to information on the official page of the Confraria Gastronomica do Sarrabulho à Moda de Ponte de Lima on the Internet, Clara Penha (1836-1924) is considered the pioneer of contemporary restoration in Ponte de Lima and the great reference for the origin of this rice. At the beginning of the 20th century, through the intervention of Clara Penha, owner of one of the most important guesthouses in Ponte de Lima, sarrabulho, with ethnic and family cuisine, rich in ingredients and flavors, began to be served in the most diverse restaurants in Ribeira Lima. . What makes the dish different “is the recipe and the origin of the products used, such as the pork, from its origin to the way it is raised”.

Arroz de Sarrabuho à Moda de Ponte de Lima at the Açude restaurant


Where to eat “Arroz de Sarrabulho à Moda de Ponte de Lima”

From the selection of restaurants in the Boa Cama Boa Mesa 2024 Guide, in Ponte de Lima, the following restaurants stand out:

The Carvalheira

It celebrates 30 years of open doors, 10 in this location, which adds to the three rooms with dense stone walls and huge fireplace a large and well-kept garden. Choose the company from the lavish wine cellar for the recipes prepared according to Maria Teresa Gomes. “Fava beans with smoked”, “Cod pataniscas” and “Presunto” open the way to the specialties, from “Bacalhau com cornbread” to “Oven-roasted octopus”, from “Cabrito” to “Roasted ham”, including “Arroz de sarrabulho ”. “Rabanada” and “Pudim Abade de Priscos” finish beautifully. Average price: €25.
Rua do Eido Velho, 73, Fornelos. Phone 258742316

In Tulha

It keeps the gastronomic secrets of a region used to serving well. It welcomes you with the fireplace lit during the winter, highlighting the comfort of the stone walls and exposed wooden beams. The “Bolinhos de Bacalhau” arrive at the table freshly fried, before the grilled “Bacalhau” or “Octopus”, the “Posta Galega” or “Medalhão”, rare, for greater tenderness. The regional vocation is accentuated in the “Rojões” and “Arroz de sarrabulho”, at the weekend or to order. Finish with homemade desserts, such as “Leite-creme” and “Lemon tart”. Average price: €20.
Rua Formosa, 4, Ponte de Lima. Phone 258942879

Vaca das Cordas Tavern

The Festa da Vaca das Cordas, bullfighting traditions and the region’s ancient recipes come together in this house, whose walls house a variety of memorabilia. Entertainment is also guaranteed in starters such as “Favas with chorizo” or “Black pork rojões”, and especially in meats – except for “Bacalhau à Isabelinha” –, such as “Minhota veal chop” or “Medalhão beef tenderloin.” To order, there is “Homemade rooster rice” and “Sarrabulho rice”, as well as lamprey and shad. Average price: €30.
Rua Padre Francisco Pacheco, 39/41, Ponte de Lima. Tel. 258741167

Mrs. Peliteiro – Ponte de Lima

It becomes evident, in the glass room overlooking Nature, the predilection of chef Paula Peliteiro for spaces on golf courses. Like the restaurant in Esposende, this one also enjoys the same setting. On the menu, there are common dishes that reveal the identity of the cuisine, such as “Moqueca de gambas”, “Polvo à Sra. Peliteiro” or “Tagine Minhota”, and others linked to the place, such as “Alheira limiana”, “Bacalhau à Minhota”, “Arroz de sarabulho e rojões à la Ponte de Lima”, “Roasted goat with oven rice” or “Arroz de cabidela”, to order. At the end, the “Cookie Cake” and the “Rabanada” or “Banoffee” shine. At lunch there is a buffet. Average price: €30.
Quinta de Pias, Rua do Sobreiro, 527, Fornelos. Tel. 925565404

Gastronomic Weekends

In January, Ponte de Lima hosts the Porto and North Gastronomic Weekends dedicated to “Sarrabulho Rice, Ponte de Lima Style”. In the last edition, 31 restaurants came together to serve the emblematic dish, but also other regional emblems such as “Rojões à Minhota” and “Leite-creme”. References for, among the participating restaurants, Açude, Brasão, Diamante Azul, Encanada, Escondidinho, Mercado and Sabores do Lima.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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