
“Discriminatory tax” does not ruin birthday parties

After the display of some iconic advertisements and Francisco Furtado Mendonça, general director of the Portuguese Association of Non-Alcoholic Refreshing Beverages (PROBEB) – which represents companies dedicated to the production and marketing of non-alcoholic refreshing drinks – giving the speech of welcome at the association’s 60th anniversary party, followed by the first conversation of the afternoon. The theme was “Environment and Competitiveness” and Luís Rochartre, specialist in Sustainability and Industry Fellow at Universidade Católica, addressed “ecodesign as a driver of innovation”. António Casanova, president of Circular Drinks, spoke about SDR (Return/Refund System) “the big step towards a new reality”, and Afonso Arnaldo Machado, from Deloitte, about how “taxation and competitiveness cannot be synonymous”.

“We need to accelerate to regenerate. We have less and less time”, stated Luís Rochartre when he spoke about sustainability, while António Casanova lamented that the legislation for the implementation of the SDR had only recently become available: “This is unacceptable”. Inspector Afonso Arnaldo Machado addressed the tax on sugary drinks. “It arose to induce less consumption and there is no scientific study that links the sugar in soft drinks to obesity”, he stated, before highlighting: “And this tax will exceed €500 million in 8 years. It’s time to be rethought.”

There was then space for some tributes in recognition of personalities and companies that marked, and continue to mark, the history of the sector. The second moment of conversation followed, this time about “Transformation and Reformulation”. Nicholas Hodac, director general of UNESDA, spoke about “Transformation and Diversity”. Endocrinologist João Jácome Castro on “Health and Information”, as well as nutritionist Pedro Carvalho, and Tiago Montenegro, from Nielsen, on the results of sugar consumption and reduction.

“We must highlight the great contribution of the industry in reducing sugar levels. It is to be praised, it is a case study”, defended Tiago Montenegro. “It would be important that what was done with soft drinks was extended to other products”, added Pedro Carvalho.

Forbidden fruit

The “Unlikely Conversations” arrived at the final part of the event and included the participation of Elsa Agante (Deco Proteste), Maria João Campos (Ordem dos Nutricionistas), Catarina Beato (blogger and writer), Francisco Furtado Mendonça (PROBEB) and Jerónimo Portela (national rugby team).

Catarina Beato, mother of four children, did not hide the fact that drinks are “the forbidden fruit”, while Jerónimo Portela made a revelation that brought laughter, when he said that the players of the national rugby team get together on the eve of the games, drink one or another soda and eat… ice cream.

The closing speech was given by Márcio Cruz, president of PROBEB, who once again reinforced the fight to eliminate the tax on soft drinks. “We will fight against the tax, which is discriminatory, unfair and unreasonable,” he said.

Discover the main conclusions

  • The association will continue to fight for the extinction of the tax on sugary drinks, which has existed since 2017.
  • Sugar levels have already been reduced by 51.3% but the intention is to continue reducing, experts guarantee.
  • Sustainability is another concern. “Small advances are not enough, we have to move towards regeneration”, stated Luís Rochartre.
  • The transformations that have occurred, both in health and in environmental terms, make the sector proud.
  • Implementation of the SDR is a fundamental step and must be put into practice from January 1, 2026. “We are late, time was wasted”, noted António Casanova.
  • Industry has sought to continually innovate and adapt. Informing consumers is decisive.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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