
A boxer is sentenced to death for the third time in Iran: he is accused of “corruption on Earth”

The Iranian boxer and political prisoner Mohammad Javad Vafaei-Sani has been sentenced to death for the third time after being found guilty of “corruption on earth”.

The 29-year-old boxer was arrested in March 2020 and was accused of setting fire to a government building during the 2019 Iranian anti-government protestsan accusation that the Iranian boxing champion denied.

“Incitement and deliberate destruction of government buildings” and “connections with the Popular Mujahideen Organization” were the charges brought against Mohammad Javad Vafaei-Sani.

New death sentence for “corruption on Earth”

‘’ informs that Paknia roundlawyer for the boxer who is held in Vakilabad prison in Mashhareported that Mohammad Javad Vafaei-Sani has been sentenced to death for the third time.

“Despite the annulment of the previous verdict by the Supreme Court, the majority opinion of the investigating judges (consultants of Section 3 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad), as opposed to the judges of the Supreme Court, has again issued a death sentence for “corruption on Earth”. This sentence can be appealed,'” Paknia posted on X (Twitter).

Boxer Mohammad Javad Vafaei-Sani has been sentenced to death for the third time

‘Iran Human Rights Monitor’ reported that two judges from Branch 3 of the Mashhad Revolutionary Court, Hossein Yazdankhah and Saadi Makan, were responsible for issuing the first two death sentences against Vafaei.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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