
Cristiano Ronaldo’s biggest win: 62,000,0000 subscribers!

Few would have imagined in 1997 that that ‘little boy’ who arrived in Lisbon because of the interest that his feet had aroused in talent scouts in the Portuguese capital would become a global icon, inspiring several generations who have repeated on the pitch the celebration that he turned into a global reference.

Cristiano Ronaldo surprised us with a unique football career whose history is well known. What few would have expected was the audacity and the pragmatism with which he has been capable, too, to build a business empire off the field.

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The size and success of their businesses would already be unusual among executives with academic training.even more so for a footballer who, with a basic education, learned, with rigor and great intuition, to overcome the many difficulties that life imposed on him from a very young age.. Without any theoretical basis, he knew how to surround himself well and make his investments grow while he won everything there was to win on the pitch..

The last chapter of this challenging journey It’s his ‘YouTube’ channel, that has shattered all the records in the history of the platform. When she shared her first videos on August 21, a month ago, the numbers skyrocketed. In 90 minutes it reached its first million subscribers, in 24 hours it reached 18 million and 21 days later it had already reached 60 million.surpassing many names with successful careers in various fields and with a presence on ‘YouTube’ for several years. This is the case of Taylor Swift or, more recently, Eminem.

“As long as I feel good I want to continue in the field”

“It was an idea that I had had for a long time, but it was in the last year when I felt the need to launch the channeland it was during this time when we formed the team that would be in charge of thinking about the strategy, the content and all the logistics that were necessary,” reveals Cristiano, who explains why he decided to invest in the platform: “Youtube” allows me to reach the millions of fans I have around the world and it allows me to reach the youngest and the least young in the same way, in any geography, and I think I owe it to them for the way they have accompanied and supported me throughout my journey.“.

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Youtube’ allows me to reach the millions of fans I have around the world. I think I owe it to them for the way they have accompanied and supported me throughout my journey.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano is right: this year ‘YouTube’ will surpass ‘Netflix’ and ‘Prime’ in consumption time in the United States. The same happens with social networks and open television. The platform has become the largest consumer channel in the world and Ronaldo has realized this.

“I want to show my routines, my tastes, my training, talk to my friends, not only in the world of football, but also outside of it. I want to share many of my moments off the field, it was this idea that led me to think about this project,” says Cristiano, who is the most followed person on the planetand the first to exceed one billion followers if we add all the networks in which it has a presence.

I want to show my routines, my tastes, my training, talk to my friends, not only in the world of football, but also outside of it.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Time, if not used well, is one of the main enemies of a player. Cristiano has been analytical in this sense. His career has been long and anyone who thinks that the end is near is wrong. His priority remains football.

“As long as I feel good and be useful, I want to continue in the field”he says without hesitation. The truth is that his body looks younger than the 39 that his identity documents give him.

Cristiano and his great record: He is already the most followed athlete on social networks

He decides when he wants to shoot and what content, without a predefined but dynamic agenda. In the first three weeks more than 40 contents were produced. The numbers on the platform do not stop rising: as far as?As far as my followers want”, Cristiano responds with the smile of someone who knows that with him there are no limits!


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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