
The Government’s “Package” is a “lazy vision” about the economy, says Mortágua

The leader of the Left Bloc (BE) accused the Government this Sunday of having a “lazy view” on the economy by presenting a plan that lowers taxes on large companies and does not look at the needs of the territories.

“When are we going to see this economic program [apresentado pelo Governo na quinta-feira], basically shows a lazy view of the Government. Lower taxes on the biggest companies and once again invest in Tourism”, pointed out Mariana Mortágua in statements on the sidelines of the start of the 12th edition of Sementeira, a cultural event organized by the Bloco de Esquerda de Viseu which brings together artists from different cultural areas in the historic center of the city, next to the party headquarters.

Mariana Mortágua said that the Government presents “a country without vision” and the “lazy idea, which does not want to know, nor look at the territory, see the potential of the territory” and how to “develop it through equal, throughout the entire country”.

Culture was one of the examples highlighted by the bloc leader as a source of economic development, as well as the pediatric emergency service, closed at night in Viseu and the Beira Alta railway line, “a long time ago ” closed for requalification.

“There are three examples of how we can develop the economy, how we can develop the interior. Investing in public transport, the railway, investing in good public services, in the case of pediatrics, hospitals and primary health, and also a strong commitment to Culture, it seems to me a much more interesting vision than the one the Government presents to us”, he highlighted.

For the BE leader, “lowering taxes on large companies does not make magic happen” and as an example she pointed out the IRC which since the years [19]70, in Portugal, “it didn’t stop decreasing, always with the same excuse, the same argument and, what has grown?”.

“Real estate, tourism, construction, finance have grown and we are unable to have a developed economy at the level of the 21st century and, therefore, it is time to realize that It is necessary to change strategy and look willingly at our territory”, he highlighted.

And, he continued, Portugal “continues to have a low-wage economy, very based on Tourism, very little diversified and very little productive, with very little technology and very incapable of facing the future and developing the interior regions like the © the case of Viseu”.

The vision of tax discounts is “wrong, lazy and simply exempts the Government from having a vision, from looking at this territory, its potential, its people, looking at what is already done and think about what this territory could be”, he pointed out.

“What can be done in the climate transition, which industries need to be invested in, what transport is needed, what public services are needed, culture and what can be done with it”, he questioned, pointing out that “it is a strategic, well-founded and intelligent vision that can lead to an economy to face the future”.


Mariana Mortágua also accused the social-democratic Government of LuÃs Montenegro of “committing the same mistakes that the previous socialist Government” led by António Costa committed with regard to career progressions and salary updates for various professionals , from Health, Justice, Security or Education, “everyone”.

“If we don’t give young people career prospects, if we can’t look a young person in the eye and tell them now you’re 20 [anos]when you’re 30 you’ll earn more, when you’re 40 you’ll earn even more and when you’re 50 you’ll earn more, we can’t retain young people in Portugal, much less in the interior”, he argued.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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